Table of Contents

How it works

It all comes down to a MonoBehaviour responsible for animating GameObjects by changing the sprites of a SpriteRenderer based on the FPS defined for that particular animation.

Work flow

  • Attach the SpriteAnimator component to a GameObject and feed it a SpriteRenderer.

Sprite Animator Component

  • Then you will use the Animations Manager window to organize all the animations that animator can play during runtime.

Animations Manager Window

  • Create a Script (or scripts) and tell the animator wich animation to play using the Play() method:

Script using animator

Playing animations

Just tell the animator to play it:

public SpriteAnimator _animator;

private void Start()

or, if you do not like working with strings, you can reference an animation through inspector and use it:

public SpriteAnimator _animator;
public SpriteAnimation _idleAnimation;

private void Start()