Table of Contents

The ComboAnimator

This is the performer for Combo Animations.

How it works

When you tell the Sprite Animator to play a Combo Animation it will behave as follows:

  • First it will play the entire first cycle.
  • At the end of the cycle it will fire the OnCycleEnded action (in case you registered one)
  • Now the combo animator enters the "waiting state" where it awaits for the Next() method being called.
  • From here, if the Next() method doesn't get called within the Input Waiting Time set when configuring the animation while using the Animations Manage, the animation is considered interrupted and the combo animator will fire the OnInterrupted action (if registered). The common practice here would be getting the animated object back to its default animation.
  • In the case of the Next() method getting called within the Input Waiting Time it will play the next cycle and enter the "waiting state" again.
  • This process repeats until the last cycle is played, when the Combo Animator calls the OnEnd action.

Playing a Combo Animation

public SpriteAnimator _animator;
private ComboAnimator _comboAnimator;

public void StartCombo()
    _comboAnimator = _animator.Play<ComboAnimator>("Attack_Combo");

Registering the OnInterrupted Action

public SpriteAnimator _animator;
private ComboAnimator _comboAnimator;

public void StartCombo()
    _comboAnimator = _animator.Play<ComboAnimator>("Attack_Combo");

private void OnAnimationInterrupted()
    // Go back to the Idle state and / or
    // apply any needed logic.

Registering the OnCycleEnded Action

public SpriteAnimator _animator;
private ComboAnimator _comboAnimator;

public void StartCombo()
    _comboAnimator = _animator.Play<ComboAnimator>("Attack_Combo");

private void OnCycleEnded(int cycleIndex)
    // This is most usefull for cases where a new input
    // should only be handled if the current cycle if fully played.
    // The cycle index can be used in favor of your logic.

On Frame Operations

The SetOnFrame remains as the Single Cycle Animator here. The catch is only that you must be carefull when setting by index. The index in this scenario would be the index of each cycle.

So, considering you have an animation with 3 cycles (0, 1 and 2) and do as follows:

_comboAnimator.SetOnFrame(0, frame => Debug.Log(frame));

this will get fired 3 times throughout the complete execution of the animation.

as this:

_comboAnimator.SetOnFrame("Shoot", frame => Debug.Log(frame));

will only get fired for the frame that has the "Shoot" identification.

Overriding the waiting time

For the cases the waiting time should vary according to some logic of yours, you can use the OverrideInputWait() method and tell the Combo Animator how much time it should wait for the Next() method being called before interrupting the animation:

public SpriteAnimator _animator;
private ComboAnimator _comboAnimator;

public void StartCombo()
    _comboAnimator = _animator.Play<ComboAnimator>("Attack_Combo");
    _comboAnimator.OverrideInputWait(3); // Will wait 3 seconds before interrupting.

Finally, playing the next cycle

public SpriteAnimator _animator;
private ComboAnimator _comboAnimator;
private bool _canPlayNext;

public void StartCombo()
    _comboAnimator = _animator.Play<ComboAnimator>("Attack_Combo");
    _canPlayNext = false;

// This could be called in another script or even called within the same script.
// As said many times, it is better to setup an FSM scenario for these animations,
// but you can check Samples to checkout how you can make this work within the same script.
public void PlayNextCycle()
    if (!_canPlayNext) return;
    _canPlayNext = false;

private void OnCycleEnded(int cycleIndex)
    _canPlayNext = true;

Playing from start

In case you need to reset the animation, just use the FromStart() method:

public SpriteAnimator _animator;
private ComboAnimator _comboAnimator;

public void RestartCombo()
    _comboAnimator = _animator.Play<ComboAnimator>("Attack_Combo").FromStart();