Table of Contents

The SingleCycleAnimator

This is the performer for Single Cycle Animations.

As Single Cycle Animations are the most basic type of animation we have, its performer is also really simple to interact with.

Registering Frame Actions

private SingleCycleAnimator _perfomer;

private void Start()
    _perfomer = _animator.Play<SingleCycleAnimator>("Idle");
    _performer.SetOnEnd(() => { Debug.Log("The animation ended."); })
private SingleCycleAnimator _perfomer;

private void Start()
    _perfomer = _animator.Play<SingleCycleAnimator>("Idle");
    _performer.SetOnFrame(3, frame =>
        Debug.Log("Frame indexed as 3 played.");
    }).SetOnEnd(() =>
        Debug.Log("The animation ended.");

Forcing to play from Start

Sometimes you might tell the SpriteAnimator to play the same animation it has already been playing. This will cause the animator to skip animation changing and just return the animation performer. For the case you want the animation to be "restarted", just call the FromStart() method of the SingleCycleAnimator.

public SpriteAnimator _animator;
private bool _shouldRepeat;

private IEnumerator PlayRepeatedly()
        yield retun new WaitForSeconds(0.5f);

Have in mind that if the current animation has not yet come to an end, this will restart the animation.